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The Victor Talking Machine Company

Appendix V
Corporate Structure


20,000 shares Common.
5,000 shares Preferred.

1911 (3/7/11) 50,000 shares Common (Employee participation).
5,000 shares Preferred.
1915 The Company offered to buy all outstanding Preferred at $140.00 a share. All was turned in except 19 shares.
1916 Victor had 121 stockholders of whom 9 were Directors or Officers, 37 were other employees, 75 were not connected with the company. The 112 stockholders who were not Officers or Directors held 21% of the company’s common stock.

(600% Stock dividend).
350,000 shares Common.
19 shares Preferred.

1926 Eldridge R. Johnson gave Speyer & Co. and J & W Seligman & Co. option to buy his holdings and the holdings of anyone else who wished to participate at $115.00. The option was exercised 1/6/27.

On 1/17/27, the stockholders approved a recapitalization which was increased to $49,730,000 as follows:

69 shares Preferred par $100.00.

207667 shares 7% Cum. Prior Preference Preferred—$ 100.00.

121,139 shares 6% Cum. Convertible Preferred—no par.

571,086 shares Common—no par.

Under this plan each holder of 10 shares of Common received 6 shares of 7% 3.5 shares of 6% and 16.5 shares of Common.


RCA acquired the Victor Talking Machine Co. on 33/15/29 after the acceptance of the following plan by Victor stockholders.

For each share of Victor Common RCA offered:

1 share of RCA Common.

1 share of RCA Class B Preferred.

$5.00 in cash

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